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Embracing the New

When we anticipate moving into highly triggering scenarios, it’s natural to begin to feel nervous. Our mind, body and soul align to send us signals alerting us as to how we feel before we enter certain spaces. Paying attention to our early cues can be helpful in allowing us to navigate stressful and nerve-inducing situations with ease as opposed to a high level of defensiveness.  It is normal to begin anticipating stress before we’re in the stressful scenario. Our bodies and our souls hold years of previous celebrations or challenging environments and we remember how we felt in those spaces long before we are enter them again.

When we give ourselves the space to listen to our body’s signals we may learn new information. Perhaps instead of excitement, we are nervous to engage in highly social scenarios. If you’re someone who has been through a highly impactful year where you have struggled to connect with others, the notion of needing to participate in social activities can feel overwhelming and daunting. It may also stir up sensations of loneliness. Loneliness is a natural sensation that comes up as we navigate the identity journey. When we dismantle our personas and embrace who we truly are, we can often find it challenging to relate to those around us. Perhaps we hold different perspectives or we shop up as a different version of ourselves which throws off the previously held relationship dynamic. Relationships may shift or change or perhaps even break.

When seasons are full of reminders that encourage being social you may find that you hold a different view. If you are feeling isolated or lonely, give yourself the space to honor where you are. The relationships you once carried served a purpose and perhaps after that purpose has been fulfilled we can take a moment to see that there are new people waiting in the wings. Attune yourself to your soul and ask yourself what you need. Pay attention to who invigorates you and who drains you. Notice where you feel energized or perhaps hesitant to engage. As we attune to our souls we are deliberately giving ourselves the space to process in real time. We are tapping back into the mind, body, soul connection and listening to the cues we receive regularly. As we do so, we may recognize that some traditions or situational habits we’ve engaged in don’t quite feel right anymore. We may begin to understand that sometimes the traditions of the past may no longer be the traditions we want to carry into the future. When making that choice, we may very well be the only one doing so. But with each deliberate choice of attunement, we allow ourselves the grace and the space to invite in new opportunities. We reinforce the notion that it is okay to hold recognition for where we are and where we have come from.

Every moment of this past year and the years before that hold significance. They have helped shape who you are today. Take a moment to appreciate that. Give yourself a chance to recognize who you have become and the impact time has had on shaping how you navigate the world as your true self. Be still in the knowledge that you have come so far. You have been resilient, strong, capable and adept at handling all of life’s trials and tribulations. When you recognize your growth, you recognize you are limitless.

Take time to pay attention the small moments of growth where you rose to the challenge or battled with failure and came out the other side. This year, you may have begun dismantling defensive mechanisms that no longer serve you. You may hold a newfound trust in yourself so great that the ways you defended yourself in the past are long outdated. Replacing the old with new builds a deeper sense of self-belief that yes, you are in fact capable. You are, in fact, strong. You are, in fact, limitless.

It is not easy to take a moment of appreciation for ourselves. How often do we put it off until later and never quite get to it. But now may be perfect time to celebrate with vigor, this person you have become.



Intuitive Energy

You know that feeling when you walk into a room and just know something's off? That's energy and I work with clients to teach them how to distinguish what is and isn't theirs. Check out my blog for more info

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