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Intuitive Energy Work - What the heck is it?

It's confusing isn't it. I say intuitive energy work and you go, ummm what?

Let me explain.

Have you ever walked into a room and just known something was off? That's intuitive energy.

Have you ever had a sixth sense that something was afoot but you couldn't quite put your finger on it? That's intuitive energy.

Have you ever just known something was inherently wrong for you and you felt it somewhere deep down in your gut? That's intuitive energy.

Intuitive energy work is a combination of talking (think therapy without diagnosis) and visualization techniques that put you more in touch with yourself. I work with clients to teach them how to tune into their higher selves and identify what parts of themselves they'd like to be more comfortable with.

I love traditional therapy but it doesn't quite reach the inner self. So often I encounter people who are afraid to get to know themselves. They believe there's something inherently wrong with them and if they look deeper, they're bound to discover they're not that great.

This fear they carry is a direct result of being told that who they are isn't quite good enough. With intuitive energy work I teach clients how to identify what narratives, energy and feelings they were given by others. We work together to process these feelings and then begin the journey of removing things that do not serve them from their energetic space.

We are all energetic beings that feed off of one another. If your'e someone who's entire day gets thrown off because your partner or family member is in a mood, chances are you're absorbing their energy.

With intuitive energy work you learn how to take on less of other people's feelings and instead focus on how you handle your own inner self.



Intuitive Energy

You know that feeling when you walk into a room and just know something's off? That's energy and I work with clients to teach them how to distinguish what is and isn't theirs. Check out my blog for more info

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