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Let Us Celebrate

My goodness, how foolish could we be to not celebrate the beauty that is our souls as they continue to guide us towards alignment? We spend so much time and energy attempting to decipher and make sense of each and everything thing we take in. The stimuli of the day and the messaging of those around us threatens to silence our souls every single moment. And yet, our souls continue to shine. When we deliberately quiet the noise and pay attention to the inner knowing and the sense of wonder that shows us how wonderful we can be, we are training ourselves to see more than what we are offered.

When the mind hands us doubt and the body hands us fear, it is the soul that continues to shine bright. It is the soul that continues to illuminate even our most hesitant places and shows us that yes, they are worthy of embracing. They are worthy of enhancing. They are worthy of celebrating.

Perhaps today is the day where we celebrate our souls and we check in intentionally to show gratitude for how far they have taken us. Our souls deserve the recognition we afford to our mind and bodies regularly. So let us take one moment, however brief, to say thank you for lighting a path we cannot see but feel beneath our feet every moment of time.



Intuitive Energy

You know that feeling when you walk into a room and just know something's off? That's energy and I work with clients to teach them how to distinguish what is and isn't theirs. Check out my blog for more info

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